Week 2 (KM), knowledge management class discussion

This week I’ll be talking about KM a bit more in detail and in depth with some future stuff added to it..

  • What is Knowledge Management?
  • What are its antecedents and how has it evolved?
  • How is KM used?
  • What are the most significant issues that concern KM? (SAI)


  1. What is Knowledge Management?

As you can see KM is about the management of different types of knowledge. This can be done as an organisation or by individual persons. But that’s for some other time; today focus is on organisational side of things.

By the way the explicit stuff one encodes is not Knowledge; that is actually information as we considered this last time.

“Knowledge is justified, true belief”- Plato

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Collaboration: is saving money and time when advancing towards company goals and used by organisations for KM

So how does all this magic happen? Well that’s easy.

Collaboration is needed for the Knowledge Management process where people brainstorm to finding solutions through the many experiences of different people and their Knowledge.

Save money: is the outcome of good collaboration when teams find methods that will help serve customers with more new advanced services before competitors do so by using a KM system.

Save time when advancing towards company goals: company goals aren’t usually small stuff.  Sometimes this looks like dreams but human to human collaborative systems have shown many times that all dreams were realized by following a system. For example large hotel chains (Accor Hotels) that made their mark across the planet in just a few decades to how the computer games industry works with other players to create more and more better games (Warframe, Ect). All these were made possible following a kind of KM

Watch wise leaders

2.What are its antecedents and how has it evolved?

Well there was the apprenticeship program in the past which is a type of KM where leading expert teaches all the knowledge to an apprentice over time. This apprentice will develop what the expert learnt and will do the same to another person.

KM has always existed since humans started making books and recording written stuff. Universities and libraries that facilitate research are also such a system.

As you can see on this picture the time to make a connection and conversation is going down pretty fast as we approach the present. This also shows all other means or antecedents of KM.

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  1. How is KM used today?

As the complexity, time to deliver or find solutions go down more, and more, companies are turning to Artificial intelligence to gather and process data from many places to create instant information for their brainstorm conversations. At the same time, it is taking a really low moral ground to break many people’s privacy and what knot.

Some companies like IBM are pushing for SAI for getting their version of KM being proved correct at the same time saying this will eliminate the privacy issues.  This situation will most likely turn humans into dumb terminals in the near future where the SAI use humans as its own Sensing tools. Seemingly it’s probably started already as we note how dumb humans have got in recent times.

  1.               What are the most significant issues that concern KM? Future(SAI)

I’ll go and say same stuff as above where things are getting too complex for humans to keep up as humans; they need time to come to a decision as this is how knowledge is processed. Since Plato’s time “Knowledge is justified, true belief”-Plato

This gets harder and harder together with privacy concerns even by cheating the system open to them. It’s only getting harder to generate true justified Knowledge; the only way now is to unleash the SAI if companies want to compete in a world that’s changing every second to millisecond.

Ok good luck all with your jobs see you all next week.

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